Howard Friedman
Ultimate Price: The Value We Place on Life
Zoom Webinar
April 15, 2020 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Howard Friedman
Howard Friedman has decades of experience in the public sector, private sector and in academia. He has led many of the research efforts at international organizations with a focus on applications of statistics and health economics to develop investment cases for public health in low and middle income countries. In the private sector, he was a Director at Capital One and has founded numerous start-up companies with a focus on analytics applications in health as well as private equity. In academia, he teaches at Columbia University’s School of Public Health and the Data Science Institute and has published about one hundred scientific papers. His 2012 book, Measure of a Nation, was named one of the best books of the year in the NY Times and his new book, Ultimate Price, will be released in May 2020 by University of California Press. He has a Masters in Statistics and a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University.
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