Past Events

Washington D.C. Program – November 16th And 17th

Network 20/20

November 16, 2017

Two hallmarks of Network 20/20 are that it fosters discussion of substantive foreign policy questions through its Foreign Policy Briefings and attempts to understand on-the-ground realities through its Entrepreneurial Diplomacy research.

We are excited to bring those two hallmarks together in one exciting program. On Thursday and Friday November 16th and 17th, a small group of Network 20/20 members will travel to Washington D.C. to learn more about how national security policy is adapting to changing circumstances, whether because of technological changes (like the advent of artificial intelligence), environmental, or geopolitical. Our team will meet with policy makers, implementers, and analyzers to understand their approaches and challenges, and to understand the role that the private sector plays in addressing these increasingly complex issues. At the end of the program, the group will write a summary of what was learned for circulation.

We have confirmed or are in the process of confirming meetings at high levels of the State Department, RAND, the Department of Homeland Security, the Center for New American Security, and with the military, among others and will be releasing a schedule of meetings shortly.

If you are interested in participating or learning more, kindly email Anar Akhundov at by Friday, October 13th.

This is an exciting opportunity to learn more about how officials in Washington approach security policy as well as a great way to get to know your fellow members! We hope you can join us.

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