H.E. Mr. Csaba Körösi, Ambassador of Hungary to the United Nations
Csaba Körösi was Hungary’s Ambassador to the United Nations from September 2010 to 2014, during which time he was Vice President of the 66th General Assembly and co-chaired the UN Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals.
Kőrösi was head of the 1st and 2nd European Departments in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 2006 until his current appointment. From 2002-2006, he served as Hungary’s Ambassador to Greece. From 2001-2002, he served as Deputy State Secretary in charge of Multilateral Diplomacy, as the head of the NATO-WEU (North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Western European Union) Department. Prior to that time Kőrösi served as the Deputy Chief of Mission at the Hungarian Embassy in Tel Aviv. He also was the Chargé d’Affaires at the Hungarian Embassy in the United Arab Emirates.
A career diplomat, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1983. Early in his career he was the desk officer for the Protocol Department, Middle East Department, and the Department for North America, North Europe and Israel.
Kőrösi is a 1983 graduate of the Institute of International Relations in Moscow. In addition, he attended Hebrew University, where he studied Middle East issues. He also completed a diplomatic course at the University of Leeds in 1991, and later, a strategic negotiation course at Harvard University.
He was born in 1958, is married and has one daughter.